In the current monetary system, as efficiency increases, this reduces the amount of time required to work by humanity to provide the same level of service. Fewer people are required to do the same work, or as automation increases, sometimes no people at all.
Without other work to replace that which was automated, this can make it difficult for individuals to make a living to meet their basic needs. Also, the people who would maintain the automated system typically require higher education than the people they replaced, but to get that education requires money. It's a vicous cycle where those who can do are entitled to the fruits of the labours of society and those who cannot suffer needlessly, making the rich richer, and the poor poorer.
How does the Registry address this?
What would happen if almost everything in the world required no human intervention?
What happens today when a catastrophe occurs compared to how the Registry would address it?
They can then choose to offer utilities on the registry for sale, and make more time to spend on utilities they may desire.