The Registry provides a design to solve one of the crucial flaws with the monetary system - providing access to an abundance of quality utilities for everybody, sustainably.  

It does this by preventing the need for the creation of money through loans or government and instead do so continuously by introducing imbalances in every transaction to make the cost of utilities which are in high supply cheaper to the purchaser.

First, when a vendor posts something in the registry for sale, they post it towards a particular category (Food, Motorized Vehicle, Bungalow, Apartment, etc).  The Registry keeps track of the supply of the given utility through each transaction and maintaining a database of ownership.

The Registry Formula describes it fully, however the following describes a simplification:

Cost to consumer = C - V
Paid to vendor = C

C = Amount charged for the utility by the vendor.
V = Some amount that increases as the supply increases, the value which reminds me of the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

There exists more to the formula when you consider Sustainability, and Cost of Goods.

As you can see, the cost to the consumer goes down as the supply for a given utility on the registry increases.

One might feel concerned that this would create huge inflation, and it would if the Registry did not already address this issue.

One might also think that you could manipulate the system and get free money for doing nothing by offering a useless utility that has a high abundance and trading it with individuals.  Surprisingly, the registry allows for it.