What is a loan? A loan is an agreement amungst one individual to another to agree to do some amount of work over some amount of time to purchase something that you cannot afford upfront in one payment.
In the registry, this is done by making an agreement for someone to purchase the equity in a utility owned by another over some periodicity, with the agreement that the purchaser may use the utility during this period, until such time as the purchaser becomes the owner by owning the most amount of equity compared to all other individuals.
This would be paid by the consumer either through regular periodic transfer of a portion of their entitlement, or more by utilizing the money received from the sale of utilities in the registry.
If someone defaults on the agreement, then the owner can legally take the utility back.
This becomes usefull for people who supply services for things like lodging, or anything else that has a lot of equity. Imagine owning a building and charging rent. There is a limit to how much you can charge, and what if this time was small? You can agree with your tenants to sell them a portion of equity of the lodging, up to a point where you remain the owner, or else they can no longer use your lodging (since you are the owner and can choose who uses it). And since you are the owner, you also decide how much time to put towards it, so if you put a bunch of manual labour or cost of goods into the utility, you can increase your equity in it. This has the nice side effect. When the owner wants to increase their equity in the utility, it increases the quality of it to all members who have equity in it already. It also provides an incentive to produce utilities that are longer lasting.